The product information in this website is for reference only and does not contain the full terms and conditions, key product risks and full list of exclusions of the policy. For the more details of benefits and key product risks, please refer to the product brochure; and for exact terms and conditions and the full list of exclusions, please refer to the policy provisions of the plan. FWD professional health assistance services and other ancillary services may be subject to certain terms and conditions of the third-party service providers; please refer to the terms and conditions as listed in the corresponding service leaflets and/or policy documents for details.
This product is underwritten by FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited ("FWD Life/ FWD"). FWD Financial Limited is an appointed and licensed insurance agency of FWD Life.
Do you know what factors FWD considers when handling medical claims?
Click this link to find out more about claims tips.
FWD integrates digital elements into FWD Care and launches a network doctor eBooking function for individual medical insurance on FWD eServices, a one-stop, 24/7 policy service hub.
Eligible customers can now make an appointment for Hong Kong doctor’s referral and cashless facility for covered cancers anytime, anywhere.
Network doctor eBooking function is now available on FWD eServices, allowing you to access the eBooking platform of our partner anytime, anywhere to book for services needed, such as designated day surgeries and cashless facility, doctor referral service, and Mainland China VIP hospitals network appointment and accompanying services.
The eBooking function is user-friendly and convenient. Check out the video now to learn more!
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