vCare Medical Plan


Covers unknown pre-existing conditions


Guaranteed renewable core protection


Tax savings

The product information in this website is for reference only and does not contain the full terms and conditions, key product risks and full list of exclusions of the policy. For the details of benefits and key product risks, please refer to the product brochure; and for exact terms and conditions and the full list of exclusions, please refer to the policy provisions of the plan. FWD professional health assistance services and other ancillary services may be subject to certain terms and conditions of the third-party service providers; please refer to the terms and conditions as listed in the corresponding service leaflets and/or policy documents for details.

Inclusion of value-added taxes and goods and services taxes as Eligible Expenses under VHIS Certified Plans

With respect of any Eligible Expenses under the VHIS Certified Plans incurred on or after 1 January 2022, Eligible Expenses shall include value-added taxes and goods and services taxes (“VAT and GST”) (if any) charged or imposed on the relevant medical expenses incurred, subject to the Terms and Benefits applicable in the relevant Certified Plans. The relevant Supplement will be sent to all policy holders concerned upon policy renewal.

For any queries, please contact us at our Customer Service Hotline 3123 3123 or contact your adviser.

Inclusion of public hospitals and private hospitals in Hong Kong in the definition of Hospital under VHIS policy terms & conditions

With effect from 1 March 2023, the definition of “Hospital” in Part 8 “Definition” of your VHIS policy terms and conditions shall be refined to make clear that it shall include public hospitals as defined in the Hospital Authority Ordinance (Cap. 113 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and hospitals for which a licence is issued under the Private Healthcare Facilities Ordinance (Cap. 633 of the Laws of Hong Kong), subject to other conditions of (b), (c) and (d) in the definition. The relevant Supplement will be sent to all policy holders concerned on or before the respective policy renewals from 1 March 2023.

For any queries, please contact us at our Customer Service Hotline 3123 3123 or contact your adviser.


Do you know what factors FWD considers when handling medical claims?

Click this link to find out more about claims tips.

Migration arrangement for existing individual indemnity hospital insurance plans’ policy owners

FWD’s tax-deductible retirement solution

Coinsurance example

Coinsurance example

Product comparison

Professional health assistance services

Professional health assistance services

EC Healthcare’s diversified health assistance services

EC Healthcare’s diversified health assistance services
EC Healthcare’s diversified health assistance services

FWD Care digital service - Launch of new network doctor eBooking function on eServices

FWD Care digital service - Launch of new network doctor eBooking function on eServices

Tutorial on network doctor eBooking function of FWD eServices

Tutorial on network doctor eBooking function of FWD eServices
Tutorial on network doctor eBooking function of FWD eServices

Appointment booking for designated day surgeries and arrangement for cashless facility

Appointment booking for designated day surgeries and arrangement for cashless facility

Case sharing – book day case procedures and arrange cashless facility

Case sharing – book day case procedures and arrange cashless facility
Case sharing – book day case procedures and arrange cashless facility

HKSH cancer and rehabilitation planning consultation service

HKSH cancer and rehabilitation planning consultation service

Enquiry and complaint channel

Information for Policy Holder

Want to know more about the product?

Policy provisions