Success brings with it ever greater responsibility, and one milestone reached is but a signpost to the next milestone that awaits. To prepare yourself for the ups and downs, highs and lows in your extraordinary life journey, what you need is a comprehensive and transparent medical insurance plan which provides you with a wide range of hospitalization and surgical coverage and high quality ancillary services.
vPrime Medical Plan ("vPrime") is a Flexi Plan certified by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government under the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (“VHIS”) and is underwritten by FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
(only applicable to online and direct channels)
(VHIS Plan Certification Number:
F00045-01-000-04 for Deductible HKD0;
F00045-02-000-04 for Deductible HKD16,000;
F00045-03-000-04 for Deductible HKD25,000;
F00045-04-000-04 for Deductible HKD50,000;
F00045-05-000-02 for Deductible HKD100,000;
F00045-06-000-02 for Deductible HKD250,000)
VHIS provider registration number is 00036
Registration effective on 28 February 2019
FWD has won | vPrime Medical Plan has won | ||||
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The Plan provides full cover1 on medical expenses incurred for a series of hospitalisation and surgery. Without Lifetime Benefit Limit, the Plan entitles you to reimbursements of the Eligible Expenses and cash benefits, up to HKD12,500,000 per Policy Year. In addition, whenever and wherever you require Emergency medical attention, the Plan will offer full cover1 on the eligible medical expenses, including Emergency outpatient accidental treatment and Emergency outpatient dental treatment2.
The Plan provides full cover1 on a wide range of medical expenses, including Prescribed Non-surgical Cancer Treatments3, kidney dialysis4 (including the rental cost of a kidney dialysis machine for use at home) and organ or bone marrow transplantation. On top of the Annual Benefit Limit, you are entitled to an additional benefit limit for these three kinds of treatments of up to HKD1,500,000 per Policy Year, which further eases your burden throughout your treatment journey.
You will be provided with an additional cash benefit under the following circumstance(s) if relevant Eligible Expenses are payable:
Inclusion of value-added taxes and goods and services taxes as Eligible Expenses under VHIS Certified Plans
With respect of any Eligible Expenses under the VHIS Certified Plans incurred on or after 1 January 2022, Eligible Expenses shall include value-added taxes and goods and services taxes (“VAT and GST”) (if any) charged or imposed on the relevant medical expenses incurred, subject to the Terms and Benefits applicable in the relevant Certified Plans. The relevant Supplement will be sent to all policy holders concerned upon policy renewal.
For any queries, please contact us at our Customer Service Hotline 3123 3123 or contact your adviser.
Inclusion of public hospitals and private hospitals in Hong Kong in the definition of Hospital under VHIS policy terms & conditions
With effect from 1 March 2023, the definition of “Hospital” in Part 8 “Definition” of your VHIS policy terms and conditions shall be refined to make clear that it shall include public hospitals as defined in the Hospital Authority Ordinance (Cap. 113 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and hospitals for which a licence is issued under the Private Healthcare Facilities Ordinance (Cap. 633 of the Laws of Hong Kong), subject to other conditions of (b), (c) and (d) in the definition. The relevant Supplement will be sent to all policy holders concerned on or before the respective policy renewals from 1 March 2023.
For any queries, please contact us at our Customer Service Hotline 3123 3123 or contact your adviser.
Do you know what factors FWD considers when handling medical claims?
Click this link to find out more about claims tips.
FWD integrates digital elements into FWD Care and launches a network doctor eBooking function for individual medical insurance on FWD eServices, a one-stop, 24/7 policy service hub. Eligible customers can now make an appointment anytime, anywhere for the following services, including:
• Designated day surgeries performed in Hong Kong and cashless facility (including outpatient colonoscopy and gastroscopy service, cataract surgery and wart treatment)
• Hong Kong doctor’s referral and cashless facility
• Mainland China VIP hospitals network appointment and accompanying services
Network doctor eBooking function is now available on FWD eServices, allowing you to access the eBooking platform of our partner anytime, anywhere to book for services needed, such as designated day surgeries and cashless facility, doctor referral service, and Mainland China VIP hospitals network appointment and accompanying services.
The eBooking function is user-friendly and convenient. Check out the video now to learn more!
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